Music Planning Worksheet




Wedding date:___________________________________

Number of Bridesmaids:___________________________

Number of Flowergirls:____________________________

Number of Ringbearers:____________________________

Number of couples or escorted ladies
for Seating of Families:_________

Name of person who will give cues
to start the Seating of the Families and the Processional:_______________________________

Emergency contact (cell phone) on
the day of the ceremony: ___________________________


Prelude favorites:





Seating of the Families:



Will the Groom, Officiant, and groomsmen
enter in silence or to the above selction, or to some other selection?_________


Bridesmaids Processional



Bridal Processional



Ceremony Music


Please indicate where in the ceremony the music will be played,
and any cues if possible.







Special Notes on our Ceremony:




